Evidence-based outcomes after oocyte cryopreservation for donor oocyte in vitro fertilization and planned oocyte cryopreservation: a guideline

03.12.2021 - 17:48 41
Evidence-based outcomes after oocyte cryopreservation for donor oocyte in vitro fertilization and planned oocyte cryopreservation: a guideline

Objective: To provide evidence-based recommendations to practicing physicians and others regarding the efficacy of oocyte cryopreservation (OC) for donor oocyte in vitro fertilization and planned OC.

Methods: The American Society for Reproductive Medicine conducted a literature search, which included systematic reviews, metaanalyses, randomized controlled trials, and prospective and retrospective comparative observational studies published from 1986 to 2018. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine Practice Committee and a task force of experts used available evidence and through consensus developed evidence-based guideline recommendations. Main Outcome Measure(s): Outcomes of interest included live birth rate, clinical pregnancy rate, obstetrical and neonatal outcomes, and factors predicting reproductive outcomes.

Result(s): The literature search identified 30 relevant studies to inform the evidence base for this guideline. Recommendation(s): Evidence-based recommendations were developed for predicting the likelihood of live births after planned OC, autologous OC in infertile women, and donor OC, as well as factors that may impact live birth rates. Recommendations were developed regarding neonatal outcomes after using fresh vs. cryopreserved oocytes in cases of autologous or donor oocytes.

Conclusion(s): There is insufficient evidence to predict live birth rates after planned OC. On the basis of limited data, ongoing and live birth rates appear to be improved for women who undergo planned OC at a younger vs. older age. Although there are no significant differences in per transfer pregnancy rates with cryopreserved vs. fresh donor oocytes, there is insufficient evidence that the live birth rate is the same with vitrified vs. fresh donor oocytes. Neonatal outcomes appear similar with cryopreserved oocytes compared with fresh oocytes. Future studies that compare cumulative live birth rates are needed. (Fertil Steril 2021;116:36–47. 2021 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)

El resumen está disponible en Español al final del artículo.

Key Words: Planned oocyte cryopreservation, donor oocyte IVF, neonatal outcomes



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